Are you interested in the future of clean energy?
Hydrogen fuel cells can be the answer.
Which one is right for your needs?
Jason Amiri
✅ In this post, I introduce the “U.S. Department of Energy”/ National Energy Technology Laboratory's seventh edition of the ‘Fuel Cell Handbook’.
This valuable handbook covers the following:
1. Fuel cells technology overview
2. Fuel cell performance
3. Polymer electrolyte fuel cells
4. Alkaline fuel cell
5. Phosphoric acid fuel cell
6. Molten carbonate fuel cell
7. Solid oxide fuel cells
8. Fuel cell systems
9. Sample calculations
? Types of Fuel Cells:
1️⃣ Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell = PEMFC
2️⃣ Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell = MCFC
3️⃣ Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell = PAFC
4️⃣ Solid Oxide Fuel Cell = SOFC
5️⃣ Alkaline Fuel Cell = AFC
- The operating temperature of PEMFC is typically between 60 to 110 °C with electrical efficiency up to 60%.
- Typical stack size of up to 100 kW
- PEFCs have been used for a wide variety of applications, especially for prime power for fuel cell vehicles (FCVs).
- Due to sensitivity to impurities, PEFC lends itself, particularly to situations where pure hydrogen can be used as a fuel.
- Utility companies have been known to prefer fuel cells that employ molten carbonate electrolytes for their high electrical efficiency of up to 60%.
- Typical stack size of up to 300 kW module
- MCFC operates at high temperatures (at 600 to 700 °C), causing the components to wear out faster.
- PAFC typically operates at 150 to 220 °C with electrical efficiency up to 40%.
- Typical stack size of up to 400 kW
- PAFCs are mostly developed for stationary applications.
- SOFC typically operates at 600 to 1000 °C with electrical efficiency up to 60%.
- Typical stack size of up to 2 MW
- One of the drawbacks of this technology is the high-temperature corrosion and deterioration of its cell components.
⏭️ AFC
- AFC typically operates typically at 100 °C with electrical efficiency up to 70%.
- Typical stack size of up to 100 kW
- Although AFCs are one of the earliest fuel cell technologies, they are less commonly used due to the negative impact of cabon dioxide exposure on their performance.
✅ I post about hydrogen technology on LinkedIn daily. My posts reflect my personal perspective, knowledge, experience, and advice and are backed up by references that I provide.
Which Fuel Cell is Right for Your Needs? Let’s discuss this in the comment section.
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